i should start by saying a bit about myself......i am an obsessive knitter, crocheter, sewer, baker, etc, with four little ones (the oldest is not so little anymore but i'm in denial). they are 7 (the little big man), 5 (o), 2 (bella) and 2 months (our newest babe, little lu......which could explain all of the half completed projects around these parts!)
okay, for 2010 i can start by saying that i hope i will have less unfinished holiday projects this new year. i'm going to start now, or atleast i plan to. i have found some great patterns for the girls and a couple that should even impress my little big man, who is slowly outgrowing even our tea parties! ("no thanks, i'll just take mine in a mug")
bella's unfinished legwarmers
this will, at some point, be a miniature baby's blanket for bella's very first doll, lola
poor o has been expecting this little hot dog for two gift giving occasions now.....lets hope its done by his birthday, this july!
at some point this year i'm hoping that this, will become something more like.....
this! see it here!