as opposed to pancakes and procrastination.....
it had been quite a while since i'd made a batch of french toast. it was long overdue.
bella hopped right in as usual. she has become my regular little sous-chef. if i'm in the kitchen making noise for more than 2 minutes, she is instantly on the move, maneuvering a chair over to be at perfect helping height.
so good!
and now for the finished, previously unfinished, projects:
i finally completed bella's legwarmers......which, after all, were too small and have now become little lu's legwarmers. they will be a perfect first birthday gift come october, just in time for the cooler weather.
i also wrapped up bella's doll blanket for lola, the freakishly realistic baby doll she received from one of my friends. it is her first ever doll and she is quite protective of her. this blanket will be tucked away until bella's birthday in april and will be part of a little 'doll gift set' i'm planning for her.
here is little lola now! do you see what i mean? now picture catching a glimpse of this little bundle out of the corner of your eye after three weeks straight of 2 hours of sleep a doesn't help at all that bella leaves her swaddled and propped up in the baby swing or lying in a realistic position on the changing table..........i've had about 8 mini panic attacks that i somehow had a fifth baby and it completely slipped my mind.......not only that but, when was the last time i fed her?? note to self: a revenge gift may be a good idea for said old friend who just became a mom for the first time!
now if i could just get inspired to finish that dog.......