i have been waiting to do this since the little big man's first bedroom in our old house was completed. i never dreamed that i would eventually have two little girls and, thus, a room to put it in.
let me start by saying that i am a little bit obsessed with dr. seuss. i have done more than a few murals from my favorite books of his. somehow, i seem to always go back to mcelligots pool. the boys are big fish fans and so their first room was an aquarium based off of that book. i wish i had pictures to share but that was a different house ago! our play room in this house has a fish mural based off of that mural so as to give the boys back a piece of their first bedroom.
but i digress; the point is that my favorite fish in this book did not fit into that little boy theme. so finally, since bellas room has been completed but underdecorated for over two years now, i am getting to work! the curtains can still wait, but this just had to be done, especially since a recent basement clean out revealed my long lost mural paints!

here it is:

here is the initial sketch: a combo of some projector work and some freehand details. our projector is ancient and is also rockin a broken mirror, so you must do a sketch or trace onto a separate piece of paper the image you desire, and then only the most detailed section, as the projector doesn't deal in large images; enter the freehand portion.

please excuse the pinkness of the walls. after growing up in what looked like a holly hobbie gift shop, i always said that if i had a girl i would NEVER stick her in a pink room. then i had a girl! and i figured: its not holly hobbie wallpaper, the rug is a chocolate brown, the color is really more mauve when it comes down to it, and I HAD A GIRL! it had to be done. (and i'm not exaggerating about my bedroom, it was the size of a postage stamp and was outfitted with holly hobbie wallpaper, a pink rug, holly hobbie bedspreads, pink doilies, pink lamps, etc etc etc. and was only permitted to be stripped down and redecorated a year or two (at the most) before my sister and i left for college......therapy anyone?)
in knitting news, these are nearing completion. yes, i got up that very night that my sister departed and ripped all of my work out and began again. and now i am closing in on the final step! and i can't wait. not only that, but i learned a new knitting skill in the process; how to cast on additional stitches at the end of an existing row! so exciting! uh, did i just sound like an old lady?