every so often the little big man will stay up with me for a sewing night. i love that he loves to do this! i once heard him say to himself (the morning after just such a night and amidst some sibling mayhem) "i wish i could just sew". i love it. since then i have set him up with his own machine. after tackling a pot holder, and a small pillow for his favorite stuffed animal, he decided it was time for bigger and better projects and asked to make a pillow for himself. he was very pleased with the result and has made a couple more since then, along with o, who needed "one for the car".
all the while, bella had been very patient, watching all those feet pushing the pedal, and pillows popping out left and right. and although the little big man gifted her his first one, she was determined to get on the machine and "do it meself". so, one footstool under the pedal later::
i've decided that these are by far the best project for teaching little ones how to sew! it really couldn't get more simple than this::
2 pieces of fabric cut to any size you like, stitch right sides together leaving a small opening for stuffing, clip corners, turn right side out, stuff, sew opening closed and done!
it is small enough to be done before they lose interest and simple enough that they can do it on their own. the stuffing interlude is a bonus, they love it. and i love these. and they've given me an idea for this christmas. more on that another day!