i got these winter socks started yesterday. and here comes a side note:: when i first started knitting, my tension was nowhere near consistent. more like, furthest thing from it. i would knit one perfect sock and its mate would be three sizes bigger, or smaller, depending on my mood. i rectified the problem by buying more needles and working five rows at a time on each sock. a simple solution! i still work socks by the pair now, even though my tension problems are gone. its just so much more satisfying to have a pair when i finish rather than just one sock. know what i mean? anyway, back to the point, i started this pair::

and realized i was growing tired of my little peg board that helps me count my rows. the pegs are always popping out and i'm always paranoid that little lu will wind up ingesting one or a few. not to mention the fact that i lose count when they fall out of place! of course the choking hazard trumps this concern but its a close call......fellow knitters can relate i'm sure. so, long story short, i picked up this little gadget for short money at the craft store the other day::

i love it. it makes such a satisfying little click! much, much more enjoyable than moving pegs across a board or making checks in a notebook. if only it went past 99....but thats okay. i can overlook it. it may just motivate me to power through all of the christmas socks to be made. we'll see.
happy weekend!