here's another sub from our line up. this one is super simple and perfect for the end of a busy summer day. with only three ingredients (aside from the sub rolls) it comes together faster than you can say "get off that table and start setting it for dinner" (in a loving tone of course)::
the "recipe":
2 pounds shaved steak
2 small onions
mozzarella cheese (a bag of shredded will do)
this recipe makes 4 to 5 subs
now just follow along::
slice the onions, like so::
put a bit of extra virgin olive oil in the bottom of a pan, such as::
saute onions until they look something like this (five to ten minutes)::
while you're waiting on the onions, grate up some of that mozzarella, or just slice open the bag you picked up::
when the onions are ready, add the meat, some salt and an ample amount of freshly ground pepper::
when the meat looks like it is just about cooked through, toss in a handful of that cheese and stir it around, just for the heck of it::
now take that call that the teary-eyed slobber-shirt fairy has on hold for you, it could be important::
finally, grab your tongs and sub rolls::
don't forget to add another handful of shredded mozzarella to the top. now just sit back and soak up the silence. the silence and the chewing.