and what a finale it was! oh yes, i am blogging about harry potter. it wouldn't be right if i didn't. kai has been waiting for this event for a long while. and last night we took him to see it on the big screen. all other potter movies have been viewed at home, so this was a big deal. i knew i wanted to do a little something to celebrate the moment but the big night was approaching and i had no plan. then i remembered butter beer! it always sounded so good when we were reading. i would have to say, from books 1 to 6, the food and candy descriptions were some of my favorite parts. book 7 is where its really at, story-wise. without further ado::
yes, caramel hard candies and a liter of cream soda are two of the five ingredients in this butter beer recipe. butter, brown sugar and cream, being the others. kai and i were prepared for a total flop as we were putting it all together. but it came together! smooth and frothy. no flop. a miracle for sure. you'd think so too if you had seen how and what we were adding to what, and when. and the verdict::
owen: "oh. my. god. this is so good!"
i think kai said something along the lines of, "i could drink a tub of this stuff". not too surprising. i found the recipe here. it was a little too sweet for me. that's something that is surprising. i wouldn't mind trying that cold recipe though. sounds interesting. cream soda was always my favorite.
as i was scrapping unmelted hunks of werthers originals off the bottom of the pan, the boys fell into one of those discussions where they are in their zone and think no one is listening. knowing my habit of strictly regulating all of their sugar consumption (worlds biggest hypocrite, yes, i know), they were discussing when they might be able to have butter beer again. owen, the dreamer, was banking on once a week. kai, the realist, was thinking maybe once a month during the winter. thats about when i chimed in with, "how 'bout, once a harry potter finale?" i guess there are some sugary concoctions that i draw the line at. this would be the first. well, this and pixy stix. those things are just wrong.