seriously, i feel like all i do is photograph past tense bananas for this blog. i'm sorry if you feel overwhelmed and i will try to make this the last time, but this banana cake needed to be documented::
half way through the recipe, i started to get excited. i've tried so many recipes for "moist" banana bread and finally settled for the one currently in my repertoire, which is satisfactory, but only when cooked medium well. i've tried multiple recipes for "moist" banana muffins (okay, only one, but it too didn't deliver). however, something was telling me this cake was the real thing::
the weight alone was promising. these cakes were heavy. in a very good way. my hopes were up. now for the fun part::
success! this cake was super moist and dense. unfortunately no one liked the semi sweet frosting. apparently our family lacks the palate required to appreciate such gourmet delights. i will not be defeated though, and next time i bake this up i'll use a cream cheese frosting, such as the kind typically used with carrot cake. i'm betting this would win everyone over and really let the banana flavor shine through!
you can find this recipe, as i did, on the pastry affair blog! a sweet place to visit.