remember last year, when i mentioned the halloween monsters i had crocheted for the boys? and remember i said that i was going to crochet a couple for the girls because bella noticed the inconsistency of the situation? well, i never actually got it done. so last week i printed out this ghost pattern (another freebie from the lion brand website) and got to it::

i knew these were going to be small, so i double stranded and used a larger crochet hook. i was a little put off when kai walked in, watched for a moment, then asked what i was working on. when i told him he said, very nonchalantly, "oh, it looks like a white pile of poop". thank you! now i'm having trouble seeing the ghost::

but the results were more than satisfactory and all faith was restored when bella and little lu fell instantly in love::

and yes, thats nail polish on my not quite two year old. little lu saw bella and i getting into the halloween spirit and wanted in. in a big way. what to do? this is the dynamic with younger siblings. kai is the one that we get to watch encounter things at his own pace. the rest wind up going along for the ride regardless of age or "readiness". and its an exponential phenomenon. meaning, bella could probably hack it in high school next year. if we were ever to have another one, he'd most likely come out with tattoos and car keys, prepping his umbilical cord for an art show in the city, while asking for the classifieds so he can look for his own place! you might think i'm exaggerating, but thats probably not far off the mark!