our baking stone has resurfaced! much to everyones delight. especially mine, since even the pickiest of eaters will gobble up a warm slice with butter on top. i'm realizing now, that a couple of fresh loaves, some roasted garlic, and a salad, is a very acceptable dinner. i'm all for it::
my friend kate taught me that pulling technique with the dough. it makes for a nice texture on the top. i love it. (thanks kate!). while the garlic was roasting, i went out to the garden and hacked down the last of our rosemary. this is the simplest and most delicious thing in the world::
just extra virgin olive oil and fresh rosemary, as much as you can stuff in while keeping it submerged. i only had mine "steeping" for three hours and it was delicious. but the next day? oh. yes. pour some out on a plate, add some coarsely ground pepper and a sprinkle of salt. now, pretend you're in a mediterranean restaurant waiting for your tapas to arrive and dip, dip, dip::
yes and yes! happy weekend everyone!