601 days to be exact! which is incredible. i'm speaking of how long its been since we last made play dough. meaning, that huge 9 batch bonanza lasted us almost two years. and what was left of it was still going strong. the only reason i decided to mix some up was to give the kids a little color boost. i'd say its been over five months of the same, everything mashed up, dull, grayish purple hue. it was time for a palette again::
bella hopped right in. and because we only had enough cream of tartar for two batches, and we couldn't all agree on the color choices, we tried something new. adding color after making the dough::
not bad. double the color, half the arm ache. i feel as though i get more vibrant colors doing it the old way though. but thats just me, the little people didn't notice a difference at all::
happy days are here again in play dough land!!