here's another liquid detergent recipe you should know. its a winner. especially when one of your favorite stores discontinues the most affordable all natural dishwasher detergent in town::
dish sudz, the recipe::
1 cup castille soap
1 cup warm water
1/2 cup vinegar
1 TBSP lemon juice
4 drops lemon essential oil
mix everything together and stir. thats it. really.
when the vinegar hits, things will look curdled::
but don't fret, just go straight to bottling. i chose an empty dishwashing liquid container from the recycling bin. something with a squeeze nozzle on top is ideal. you want to be able to squirt rather than pour, trust me::
now differentiate! ::
the last thing you want is someone, such as yourself, accidentally dumping regular dish soap, meant for sink usage, into your machine. have you ever done that? if you have, you know what i mean when i say, its a mistake you only make once. first kitchen lesson i learned living on my own.
back to the potion. when i mixed my first batch up, it only sat for a couple of hours before i had to use it. i believe my reaction to what came out of the nozzle was "oh, man". i really wanted it to work and the consistency was all wrong. complete with little flecks of lemon pulp getting caught up in the squirting mechanism. but, at the end of the night, dishes clean! then, the next night? completely different product. somehow, when this stuff seasons, it becomes a smooth gel that looks and acts a lot like store bought!!! i'm loving it!
happy december!
ps - per load, i use about as much of the sudz as i do with store bought detergent....maybe a tad less just to conserve.