out of the blue, and within a couple days of each other, kai and bella each asked how ice cream is made. rather than bore them with a lengthy explanation, i added a few things to our grocery list and dusted off the ice cream maker. i gave kai our copy of the ultimate ice cream book and told him to do some flavor research. after much discussion, we decided to go with cinnamon. unconventional choice? yes. influenced by an additional recipe for a cinnamon snickerdoodle version? yes and yes. lets go::
we stuck the custard in the fridge for the night and the next morning after breakfast i made a batch of snickerdoodles for the final hurrah. after lunch we plugged in the ice cream maker and got to work::
here's where things went south. all little hands wanted in on the cookie adding. which was fine, but before i knew it, we had lost count and little lu had filled her diaper::
this caused a few problems. first off, the recipe tells you to add the cookies way too early. my gut was telling me this, but i ignored it. while waiting for the ice cream to finish freezing, the cookies (which probably outweighed the custard 2 to 1 at this point) broke up and changed the whole mix and the ice cream would not ice. what we wound up with was still delicious, but it wasn't quite ice cream. luckily i had frozen half the batch as plain cinnamon, so not all was lost. also, don't leave to change a diaper and put someone down for a nap during the final stages of ice cream making. it just doesn't work::
in case you have or acquire this book, i added an extra egg yolk in the first step. i'm sure that the 2 egg yolks in the ingredient list is a typo. 3 are necessary. and the results? i'm surprisingly a big fan of cinnamon ice cream! and, not surprisingly, i also enjoyed the mush cream with the cookies in it! next time, i will wait until the mix is ready to come out of the machine, and then fold in the cookie pieces with a spatula immediately before packing and storing. done and done!