this is one piece of the special order i've been working on. i finished this up friday morning. it's the red riding hood cape from the oliver + s book. i'm so glad this was part of the order. i've had it dog-eared since buying the book and don't know when i would have ever gotten to it::
after the final press, i tested it out on ellie. now she wants one of her own::
my friend liz ordered this cape, along with a reversible sundress, to use in an upcoming shoot. she picked out the fabric and shipped it up to me. the polka dot lining is genius! i love the combination.
this was the first oliver + s pattern i've tried and it was very easy to read and follow. it really is a pretty simple sewing pattern. and with some time and patience, and loads of pins, and the machine set to its lowest speed, and only mild cursing, there were no puckers after attaching the hood (sigh of relief)!