the excitement over the first blue egg was something to behold. again though, it was found in a hole under the coop. this time it was my turn to crawl in after it. apparently all of the chickens need to be trained individually. they don't "watch and learn". i assumed buttercup would lead the way, but no such luck. we washed off the dirt and put the first blue egg into the nests with the faux eggs and chickadee has been using the boxes ever since. blue eggs were the big news around here until christmas eve morning when we found the goose egg::
i thought indy was playing a trick on me when she brought it in. i was on the phone and hadn't realized she went out to check the coop. it looked bigger than her hand. i knew this might happen with buttercup. my sister had told me a horrifying story of how she nursed her leghorn back to health after it had passed an egg almost the size of itself. the story involved said chicken living in the house and lots of warm baths....for the chicken. it also involved other details but you don't want to know them. i hope that buttercup will remain strong in her random large-egg-laying. she seemed unscathed this time around. and the egg was a double yolker as expected! a christmas miracle!!