a box of guitar strings on a rock, some shrubbery::

and the broken string::

does that set the stage? it should now be obvious that, on this day in particular, the thing i learned was a bit more exciting than the usual gems, like last nights: "never bank on a diaper containing only urine simply due to lack of offensive odor" or even last months unexpected: "don't ever assume a fence is not electric just because it is small, appears to be made of plastic and is in the center of a field far from any noticeable power source."
removing and replacing strings! i've been playing the guitar off and on since i was 17, but in all of those mumblemumble-teen years, i have never changed my own strings. that job has always fallen, just about solely, into the hands of my little bro. but this time, i was determined to go it on my own::

not so scary after all. with a little long distance moral support from my older brother, and some youtube perusing, i got it accomplished. yes, there may have been a few frantic texts to my little brother before all was said and done but still, success in the end. very satisfying indeed! now, back to attempting barre chords....