if your house is anything like mine, and for your sake i hope its not, then everytime you reach for a banana or some other treat from the fruit basket, you are met by an instantaneous uprising of fruit flies. the cloud hovers lightly above your fruit of choice, patiently waiting for you to take what you want and get the hell out, so they can go back to whatever godforsaken thing they were up to before you decided you were hungry. i'm sure it doesn't help that some of my bananas look like this::

but i like my bananas with freckles, they're sweeter that way. and at the stage above they're perfect in pancakes. anyway, recently i reached a breaking point and searched online for a solution. if you search too, they will tell you to make a trap with vinegar and a drop of dish soap.....don't do it. waste of time. here's what you do; give them what they want, but with no means of escape::

apparently, they can crawl into places but need to fly out. i don't know how accurate that is, or if its even a fact, but i'll buy it. i'm not doing anymore fruit fly research to prove or disprove. if this doesn't work for you within 10 minutes, make the holes just a little bit bigger. just a little. i made mine too big at first and saw one "fly" out.
i'll spare you the pictures of this trap at work, as most of them are x rated. although, if your kids are nearing that age, this could be an excellent segue into the birds and the bees. take this trap and stick it on your counter and enjoy a fruit bowl sans hovering flies.
one final note, at the end of the day you can take this outside, release them into the wilderness and if your fruit is up to it, set it to work again. however, please, do not forget about it when it goes missing behind the flour container for four days. things will go wrong, still contained mind you, but very very wrong.